
Priory Lane Community School

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Ofsted Reports

Ofsted visited Priory Lane Community School on 3 and 4 October 2023.


The team of inspectors concluded that Priory Lane Community School is GOOD in all areas: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management, and Early Years Provision. This results in an overall effectiveness rating of GOOD for the school.


As you will read, the report is extremely positive. Particular comments that I would like to highlight are:

  • Leaders and staff have high expectations of what they expect pupils to learn.
  • Pupils find visitor opportunities inspirational. They help pupils make strong links between their learning and real life.
  • The school is highly ambitious in what they plan for pupils to learn and experience.
  • The school has made carefully thought-out changes to improve the curriculum.
  • Pupils can talk about what they have learnt, making strong links between the information they learn in different lessons.


The full report can be found by clicking the link below. 
