
Priory Lane Community School

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Subject Lead - Mrs L Franco


At Priory Lane Community School, we are all responsible and respectful children!



PSHE is an integral part of the national curriculum, and is at the core of what we do to ensure children become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society. Through our school’s approach to PSHE, children are given the skills and knowledge of how to navigate the complexities of life. PSHE is a subject which we embed across all subjects and everyday school life.



The RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) national curriculum puts a clear emphasis on the following two areas of learning, which are further broken into subcategories:

  • Relationships Education: families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe.
  • Physical health and  mental wellbeing: mental wellbeing, internet safety and harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention, basic first aid and the changing adolescent body.



At Priory Lane Community School, PSHE is taught weekly, which ensures children are provided with regular opportunities to focus on key areas within the RSE curriculum. Each week, the children will participate in an activity within their class which will equip them with strategies to look after their mental wellbeing. Mental Wellbeing and Tolerance are part of our School Drivers, which are embedded throughout PSHE.


We have a yearly PSHE Long Term Plan for each year group to follow, to ensure all aspects of the statutory RSE curriculum are covered. Children can explore the key areas through a variety of methods, including role play, scenario discussions and designing posters. Knowledge and skills have been carefully mapped across each area of the curriculum to ensure progression across year groups, build upon knowledge, skills and understanding each year.



The PSHE curriculum at Priory Lane Community School looks like:

  • Regular discussions carried out in and open-minded and respectful manner
  • Children are taught about the importance of their mental health and are equipped with strategies to support themselves when feeling anxious or worried
  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including online
  • Engaging lessons take place using a variety of teaching strategies
  • Clear and established ground rules are established, which adults model and children follow
  • Children  are provided with opportunities to speak freely about their emotions, thoughts and values
  • Meditation sessions promoting a healthy mind and teaching children strategies
  • Children are taught about what they should do if they do not feel safe and about trusted adults they can go to for support
  • Sessions relating to tolerance and understanding each other’s differences
  • Celebration of key dates such as Black History Month, Anti-Bullying Week and Internet Safety Day


"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou


PSHE documents...

PSHE Long Term Plan

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Parents' Workshop

PSHE Skills and Knowledge Progression - development of skills and knowledge across school
